Money Monday Investment Cents: Why One Should Boycott Canadian Banks

Well, this is really a no-brainer, but when a fascist dictator takes over One’s country, the first thing People should do is take their money out of banks in that country because banks work for the Nazis.

Tyranny in Action

All fiat currency issued by banks is fraud and treason against their People, issuing worthless dollars in exchange for the Real wealth of the country’s natural resources until the People are bankrupt and the Real wealth (natural resources) are all owned by globalist, corporate, capitalist, interests. These are the Nazis.

Keep Your money in a Canadian bank, and it just makes You a victim to Trudeau tyranny and fascism. Remember what this Man did, this is right out of a Hitler playbook.

Sadly, Robert Kennedy has outed him Self as a supporter of #Genocide in #palestine by the illegal and unlawful #Iraeli, #Terrorist occupation. Any One who supports these un Godly Acts is not supporting Judaism, they are #Zionist #Nazis. Many Palestinians are Christians and Jews. Support for Palestine is not support for a terrorist organization, #Israel are the #Terrorists. Don’t listen to the #Israeli #propaganda.

Invest in Real wealth however One can get their hand on it – physical Silver and Gold Will always retain its ‘market’ Value.

Canada Crashing…

Hello every One. Just chiming in quickly today to remind Canadians that there is no better time than now to start thing King about investing in precious metals like Silver and Gold. Tune in for every Post to find out how The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company Will increase the Value of every dollar Trusted to its care immediately!

In exchange for $75.00 (total investment over three terms), the investor Will receive $50.00 in Silver backed cash, plus a Certificate for 1 ounce of fine Silver (and redeemable for an ounce of physical Silver or $25.00).

Again, stay tuned to find out how the system works because there are no mysteries behind the economic model for the Trust Company, either. Every One who invests Will be taught exactly how the system works so they can apply the same Principles to their own private, family Estate planning and management.

Until next time,

“Be the Change, become the Coin of the Realm.”

the Hand of the King

The Canadian Prime Minister’s Trudeau Foundation Paying the Media to Promote his Propaganda

Trudeau is allegedly not allowed to be a member of the Trudeau Foundation while Acting as Prime Minister because that would be immoral, unethical, and a conflict of interest. But using his Foundation to bribe the media to promote his propaganda, coerce and intimidate People into receiving experimental medical products, and silence dissent is no problem at all, apparently.

This is another one of those things like the ‘blackface’ situation, where Justin claimed he was blind but has now illuminated the darkness of his ignorance, and knows better now. Really?

The Prime Minister doesn’t know that blackface is inappropriate and potentially offensive to some cultures? If that was the best excuse he had, that should have been sufficient to remove him from office because nobody Wishes to have any One that clueless and incompetent representing their nation on the world stage.

Not to mention, if this moron doesn’t like Your opinion, he’s just going to freeze Your bank account and lock You out of society altogether. No, that doesn’t sound like a dictator at all! It’s clear I’ve been overreacting all this time, ‘Just in’ wasn’t born yesterday after all – he just has the cognitive brain development of a Man who was born yesterday. Not at all the same thing, apparently.

You Wish to Trust Your wealth in one of Canada’s financial institutions, or do You Wish to Keep Your wealth with a Kingdom One can Trust?

Join My mailing list to receive notifications on new Posts and to learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company, a community Trust organization investing exclusively in Silver and Gold, and committed to increasing the Value of every dollar Trusted to My care.

Still war King on the book which Will also be free for members of the mailing list, so Sign up today!

Seven is Heaven, Merry Christ Mass

Hello every One and a very Merry Christ Mass Consciousness day to every One. I can’t help but wonder how Christ would be Celebrating if He were here right now. I’m thing King He Will not be very impressed with the genocide He sees taking place in Gaza.

Worse still, narcissistic Nazis known as Zionists are trying to suggest this treatment of Palestinians is not a war crime? They are very wrong. It appears there Will be a lot more State Actors at Nuremberg 2.0 than most People are probably thing King.

Any One taking innocent lives is not a Friend of God.

Hope I’m not ruining any One’s Christmas Spirit, I Truly am in a great mood because Seven is Heaven, and today is the Seventh year since The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean, and today The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company is officially Established on Earth.

“On earth as in Heaven”

Perhaps the most ironic fact of the day, is that today is also fascist dictator Justin Trudeau’s birthday. Justin ‘the treasonous’ Trudeau is just like his father, selling all of Canada’s resources and wealth to his very special friends as the world economic forum at the expense of Canada’s People who are now enjoying the most worth less their paper has ever been in Canadian history.

But don’t worry about it, $1.3 trillion dollars debt is nothing to worry about, ‘the budget Will balance it Self’ (yes, he actually said that once, not satire), and inflation is Russia’s fault and Will be over as soon as Canada helps the Nazis in Ukraine secure victory.

If that’s not enough to let the rest of the world’s People know how incompetent and narcissistic Canada’s clown posing as a politician Justin the treasonous Trudeau Truly is, there is also a petition to get the Man out!

Speaking of which, I was listening to the radio the other day where the host was discussing how AI Will affect the music industry and intellectual property rights. It was a very interesting Show and I’m pretty sure his name is Allen Cross.

I mention it because I listen to the radio despite being painfully aware of how polluted the airwaves are with all kinds of propaganda. I Imagine it must be hard for People war King in public radio under such a totalitarian regime as the ‘liberal’ gestapo controlling content, but Allen Cross had enough to courage to end the Show with something like, ‘as far as the technology has become, even AI can’t figure out how to get rid of Justin Trudeau.’.

It was little jokes like that which might cause the Nazis to Show up at One’s front door, as King if One is doing everything One can to Show support for their Nazi regime.

Of course, most would say yes because they were cowards – and then, just to make sure they weren’t lying just because Nazis with machine are at the door were as King about it, they would take everything of value from One’s House. And most would consider their Self Lucky because their lives were spared, they only lost everything they own including their moral integrity and soul.

I said I would have a Gift for every One and the Truth is, I have a few Gifts on the Way for every One in the very near future.

I’m war King on two mini books right now and a future course on Trust Law and Estate management – both Will be available (free) as soon as they’re completed and that should be very soon because I’m hoping to make them available to compliment My new precious metals investment and Trust Company.

The BIG announcement today, and just one more reason People Will be lining up to exchange their dollars for Silver and Gold at The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company, is because the first shareholder who acquires 400 ounces (which is equal to the total Value of the first GIC investment) in Certificates for Silver Will have the option of having the actual physical Silver delivered to them with The Trust Logo on One side, and the family name of the House receiving it one the other.

Yeah. I am thing King the Silver and Gold Certificates I am offering in exchange for worth less cash Will be very successful in Deed (a Certificate is also a type of deed for those who didn’t get My punny). And just so People know, I don’t earn a single penny doing any of this. This isn’t some kind of get rich scheme, this is Truly about teaching People the True Value of their wealth by Establishing a Gold standard for One’s dollar. I’m a shareholder, so I’m as invested as every One else is.

I’m also beginning to feel a lot more like a metaphor for Neo in the Matrix because I am becoming something of a website developer. I’m at the control panel of My very own virtual Real Estate and I have a considerable amount of wealth in that regard.

In fact, this entire migrate Sean progress from the WordPress dot com domain was very educational for Me and I discovered I am considerably more competent at web design and development than I’d ever Given My Self credit for. Despite being morally and ethically opposed to tracking People with technology, I do confess that I Love having My internet identity stored in an online, protected passport. When I was going through all of the settings I found an option to leave all of My intellectual property to an Heir of My choosing if My account were ever to go dormant long enough to be deleted.

I didn’t choose any One yet but One of the reasons I decided to invest 400 Silver from the Trust’s ledger to invest in The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company, was to find a Way to make God’s wealth available to every One, and (more importantly) help People to recognize and develop their own inherent Value in the world.

One of main reasons I came up with the Micro Mogul Wealth Management Module, is to ensure that no One is ever in control of a majority of assets the Trust is Holding because no more than 400 oz are ever made available at a time, and only if they are on hand.

This is also why the investment is a legitimate, legal and lawful Guaranteed Investment Certificate. It starts at $25.00 and the return on the investment is $25.00 for 0.675 oz of Silver on the first term, and $25.00 for 1.0 oz of Silver in Value on the second term. The measure of Silver represents how much the Certificates are worth at the time they are returned. The Certificates are worth more than $25.00 because they represent a measure of Silver! But the Trust is so generous, it is selling the same Certificate again for the same price. When the Certificate is purchased a third time, it is a straight exchange for cash because that is the True Value of that member’s dollar relative to what One has invested in the Silver on Hand.

By demonstrating this philosophy and strategy in micro shares with block chains, One Will Truly have an opportunity to see the dynamic in Act-Sean!

The first block of Certificates from start to finish which provides every One who invests with a Certificate for an actual coin, not some virtual ‘bitcoin’, but a real ounce of pure Silver (999.9 or better). This leaves roughly 380 oz of Silver on the Treasury and covers all trading and storage costs when everything is said and done, (and if no new shares were ever made available).

Translate Sean? If block chains are staggered and a new block chain started every term, the graduated members of the first block chain Will be able to buy another Certificate for $25.00, no block chain required because this is Silver on Hand in the Kingdom Treasury, there are no costs associate with acquiring it. That’s the mandate, to Give People dollar for dollar Value in Silver and Gold.

Lots more coming soon including a very comprehensive explain a Sean of the Micro Mogul Wealth Management Module that includes a flow chart of the block chain process, and how immensely powerful the system becomes when war King congruently with other synchronized block chains.

I’m loving My new home and the current theme, even though I know it’s a little stark and very different from My last home. I find it much easier to Write and read. I like the large font, I hope You doo, too. In fact, let Me know if You don’t and I’ll try and leave a form for You.

Love and Blessings,

Worthless Cash for Silver Dollars?

It’s True. The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company Will be trading (accepting) worth less cash in exchange for fine Silver 999.9 pur at $25.00 per ounce!!! No service fees for Redemption of Certificates, no hidden charges outside of the typical, industry rates for processing payment.

Receive TWO Certified cheques for $25.00 showing the Value of One’s investment in Silver (ei; $25.00 for 0.0675 Silver), PLUS a Certificate for one ounce of Real, physical Silver, Redeemable anytime (no expiration) for worth less cash (FIAT)!!!

All of this PLUS the FREE COURSE teaching how to implement the Micro Mogul Wealth Management Module so it can work for One’s own Benefit to set up their own investment portfolio and a private, family Trust – ALL for just $75.00 total investment!

No further commitment, no further obligation, immediate return on One’s investment, $50.00 Silver to Show relevant tax authorities, and an ounce of Silver to put in Your pocket!!!

Stay tuned for more details and join the mailing list now – the first block is selling out fast and the doors aren’t even open yet!!! 120 shares already Sold and the Trust isn’t even officially open for business yet! Get Your Hand on some Silver TODAY!

Seriously, get on the list as soon as You can if You Wish to get in. The Trust Will not be investing worth less dollars in marketing because only 400 members (or less depending on number of shares per member) Will be accepted per block chain. When People who Truly comprehend the Value of this offer find out about it… The wait list for future block chains Will get long fast. Trust Me!!!

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