vonDehnVisuals is back!!!

Hello every One!!! Yes, although it took Me until the wee hours of the morning today, vondehnvisuals.com is now back online! It also appears as though I have finally resolved the WordPress dot com glitch (Signing Me out of WordPress dot org and telling Me I don’t have an account or that I have some new account that they created from a subdomain Created from My primary domain!).

This is just a quick post to let You know where One can find Me – or at least the last fourteen years of My existence online. Seems a little redundant to have an ‘about Me’ page when there are literally fourteen years of inform a Sean about Me online. There is no more official an Author of Writ for the Story of My Life than My Story – I hope You like it.

Pretty soon People Will understand why I’ve Given up believing any of Canada’s State Actor’s have even an ounce of competence related to economics or governing a nation. Canada hasn’t ever had anything more than Man-children believing they are all grown up when they are in fact too immature and narcissistic to even acknowledge their own incompetence, despite happily telling their People Canada is now 1.3 Trillion dollars in debt. Way to go Justin the treasonous Trudeau!!! At least You proved You can win at something. You are the number one idiot on the world stage, Canada’s State Actors Will only be getting Juno’s for comedic performance, and only by People who are not subject to watching the Show.

Love and Blessings,

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